Au-delà du sacre de Danico, les Spirited Awards 2024 ont attribué le titre suprême de "World's Best Bar", ainsi que celui de "Best International Cocktail Bar", à ALQUÍMICO (Carthagène, Colombie).

Le palmarès complet des Spirited Awards 2024


International Bartender of the Year

Eric van BeekHandshake Speakeasy, Mexico, Mexique

Best International Bar Mentor

Danil Nevsky

Best International Brand Ambassador

Dave MittonLot 40 / J.P. Wiser's

Best International Bar Team

Handshake Speakeasy — Mexico, Mexique

Best International Cocktail Bar

ALQUÍMICO — Carthagène, Colombie

Best International Hotel Bar

BKK Social Club at Four Seasons Bangkok — Bangkok, Thaïlande

Best International Restaurant Bar

Danico — Paris, France

Best New International Cocktail Bar

Bar Leone — Hong Kong, Chine


U.S. Bartender of the Year

Kapri RobinsonAllegory, Washington, D.C.

Best U.S. Bar Mentor

Alex Jump

Best U.S. Brand Ambassador

Anna MainsMonkey Shoulder

Best U.S. Bar Team

Jewel of the South — La Nouvelle-Orléans, Louisiane

Best U.S. Cocktail Bar

Yacht Club — Denver, Colorado

Best U.S. Hotel Bar

Allegory at the Eaton Hotel — Washington, D.C.

Best U.S. Restaurant Bar

Cleaver - Butchered Meats, Seafood & Classic Cocktails — Las Vegas, Nevada

Best New U.S. Cocktail Bar

Superbueno — New York, État de New York


Best Cocktail & Spirits Publication

The Cocktail Lovers

Best Broadcast, Podcast, or Online Video Series

Bartender at Large

Best Cocktail & Spirits Writing

"A New Spirit Confronts the Consequences of Colonialism" par Adaorah Oduah, pour Punch

Best New Cocktail or Bartending Book

The Ice Book: Cool Cubes, Clear Spheres, and Other Chill Cocktail Crafts par Camper English

Best New Book on Drinks Culture, History, or Spirits

Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs, and Juice: Cocktails from Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks par Toni Tipton-Martin


Best New Spirit or Cocktail Ingredient

YUZUCO Yuzu Super Juice

World’s Best Cocktail Menu

Handshake Speakeasy — Mexico, Mexique

World’s Best Spirits Selection

Baba Au Rum — Athènes, Grèce

Helen David Lifetime Achievement Award

Hidetsugu Ueno

Timeless International Award

Café Pacifico — Londres, Royaume-Uni

Timeless U.S. Award

The Buena Vista — San Francisco, Californie

Tales Visionary Award

Colin Asare-Appiah

World’s Best Bar

ALQUÍMICO — Carthagène, Colombie

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